Le 10 migliori agenzie di app mobile - 2024 Recensioni

Le migliori agenzie di app mobile

Tutte le consulenti per app mobile a Lombardia

  • EBS Maroc

    EBS Marocverified-flag

    (4 recensioni)


    Vincitore del premio
    Dotée d’une parfaite maîtrise technologique, EBS Maroc se présente comme une agence digitale 360° : agence web, E-Maketing et SSII/ESN. Cette connaissance technologique nous permet de réaliser des sites web, des applications mobiles ou des applications métiers sur mesure et d’intégrer les principales solutions technologiques du marché. Un seul partenaire pour plus de réactivité et de cohérence, une vision globale, des coûts et des délais maîtrisés. Nous nous engageons à accompagner nos clients à asseoir une stratégie Webmarketing efficace : Développer leur E-réputation, leur générer du trafic et améliorer la notoriété de leur marque,… De taille humaine et réactive, l’agence est composée d’experts qui imaginent et conçoivent avec vous votre projet. Vous êtes conseillés et accompagnés du début à la fin. Notre valeur ajoutée : écouter, échanger, comprendre, analyser, penser digital et multicanal mais aussi et surtout optimiser l’expérience utilisateur pour tirer le meilleur potentiel de chaque support, qu’il soit web ou mobile.
    4 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Iakta srl

    Iakta srlcertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 recensioni)

    We craft custom software for every need and every company

    Established in 2003 in Turin, Iakta S.r.l. is a dynamic software house specializing in fullstack web-based (and mobile) fully customizable software development. Initially focusing on IT consulting for public and private sectors, the company quickly transitioned to delivering bespoke software solutions for web applications. Iakta expanded to collaborate with SMEs and gained recognition in 2008/2009 as an early player in iPhone app development. Today, the company excels in three + 1 core areas: Advanced Web Applications and Management Systems: Crafting customized, technologically innovative solutions for businesses and public administration. Development of Native and Hybrid Apps: Designing smartphone apps, including web management systems. Go-to one-stop shop for startup: technology needs, specializing in comprehensive consultancy and development services spanning web, mobile, and backend. We transform visionary ideas into robust digital solutions, providing tailored, expert support for comprehensive consultancy and development services spanning web, mobile, and backend. Multimedia Installations with IoT Solutions: Creating multimedia installations integrated with IoT solutions for fairs, museums, and organizations. Iakta stands out for its expertise in architectural design, full-stack development, and a commitment to open-source technologies. The company's compact size is an advantage, allowing for personalized attention and a people-centric approach. Regular follow-ups, transparent communication, and investment in employee training reflect Iakta's dedication to individual growth within the company. Iakta is a forward-thinking software house that combines precision with a human touch, offering tailored solutions and fostering a culture of continuous development.s.
    6 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 12000€ per App mobile
  • Synesthesia


    (0 recensione)

    The Digital Experience Company

    Vincitore del premio
    Synesthesia è una digital experience company, nata a Torino nel 2011, che supporta i propri partner in ogni fase di crescita digitale. Trasforma idee in soluzioni innovative. Synesthesia è una digital experience company orientata al risultato. Crea valore attraverso un mix unico e innovativo di creatività ed esperienza sul campo. Il loro business è guidato dalla passione per le sfide e dall’amore per le tecnologie di oggi e di domani. Promuove il progresso tecnologico attraverso l’etica, l’innovazione e la ricerca. Sostiene l’inclusione, l’uguaglianza e il benessere nella ricerca della sostenibilità e della stabilità economica. Costruisce il futuro per creare un impatto positivo sulla società. La sua crescita si fonda sulla ricerca di nuove opportunità di sviluppo sostenibile, sull’attenzione costante al benessere dei suoi dipendenti e sulla qualità dei servizi offerti. Organizza droidcon Italy, Swift Heroes e Flutter Heroes, eventi internazionali legati allo sviluppo Android e iOS. Si impegna per l’inclusione di genere in ambito tecnologico organizzando ogni anno Girls Tech e traccia percorsi di avvicinamento al mondo digitale per bambini e ragazzi con FuturMakers. Aiuta le aziende ad accrescere le proprie competenze in ambito tecnologico e risorse umane offrendo corsi di formazione avanzata per i loro professionisti tramite la propria Academy. Da gennaio 2022, Synesthesia, cambiando statuto e ragione sociale, è diventata una Società Benefit. Un passaggio obbligato che attesta l’impegno pluriennale dell’azienda nell’ambito del no-profit, del terzo settore e del sostegno alle politiche locali e internazionali legate all’ambiente e allo sviluppo sostenibile. https://www.synesthesia.it/
    4 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Beeapp


    (1 recensione)
    Vincitore del premio
    Beeapp è una PMI innovativa che progetta e sviluppa applicazioni mobile per smartphone, tablet e oggetti connessi all’Internet of Things. Offriamo un servizio completo volto a coprire l’intero ciclo di vita di un progetto mobile , a partire dalla consulenza in ambito tecnologico, passando per la User Experience design con la produzione di prototipi interattivi, lo sviluppo in codice nativo, l’integrazione del software mobile con gli eventuali sistemi hardware e software già in uso dal cliente, per arrivare, infine, a fornire ottimizzazione e manutenzione continua del prodotto, anche dopo il suo rilascio. Grazie alla forte specializzazione su dispositivi mobile, Beeapp oggi fornisce soluzioni custom di qualità, altamente personalizzate, non solo per smartphone, tablet o Watch, ma anche per supporti hardware fuori dai comuni standard, andando a risolvere esigenze tecniche e tecnologiche proprie di ogni business. Le app che sviluppiamo adottano diverse tecnologie d’avanguardia, come la realtà aumentata e la realtà virtuale, oppure si collegano a sensori e dispositivi hardware per rendere oggetti di uso comune intelligenti  (Internet of Things).
    1 progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 3000€ per App mobile
  • AQuest


    (0 recensione)
    Vincitore del premio
    AQuest è una Creative Production & Technology Company, tra i principali attori del panorama italiano, e Gold Partner Microsoft. Da luglio 2019 fa parte del gruppo WPP.  AQuest segue l'intero processo creativo di progetti digitali, a livello nazionale e internazionale, attraverso una struttura verticalizzata su cinque business unit: Experience, Engagement, Lab, Production, Technology. Il team - composto da oltre 70 persone - comprende art director, fotografi, videomaker, graphic designer, sound designer, sviluppatori frontend e backend, social media specialist, data scientist, digital marketing specialist e project manager. AQuest ha vinto oltre 220 premi internazionali votati da giurie indipendenti; in particolare negli ultimi 3 anni ha ottenuto 4 Lovie Awards , 1 Webby Award e il premio Best Agency of the Year 2018 da CSS Design Awards.
    1 progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Codeby


    (1 recensione)

    We build hi performance E-commerces!

    Vincitore del premio
    Codeby is a technology company specialized in creating and developing the best e-commerces for big brands and retailers, enabling them to achieve greater performance in their digital channels, making the shopping journey an amazing experience for their customers and, thus, improving their growth and profitability. With a highly specialized team, with strategic vision of technology applied to business and innovation, we have created over 1000 projects worldwide.
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • santangelo |||||| studios

    santangelo |||||| studioscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 recensione)

    photo & video production house, content creators and strategists

    we are an Italian creative film and photo production company based in napoli , making shootings that stand out. with a wide network of collaborators for production services in Italy and abroad, we work to bring the insight and creativity of our global hive to any project. we at santangelo studios can provide you with all the services and comforts you may ever need in the field of photo and video production . whether you’re a national or international client, whether your project is small or ambitious, all you have to do is ask. video production in italy and abroad ​ since 2001 our santangelo studios team has been offering full production service all over Italy . we have also gained experience abroad, working in places like Thailand, Caribbean Islands, United States and last but not least all over Europe, from Spain to Nederland, from Austria to Canary Islands.   photo production in italy with our focus on Southern Italy and especially on the beauties of Campania Region, we have made all sorts of photo & video productions in Naples and Amalfi Coast, between Positano and Capri, Gran Sasso and Matera, Apulia and Sicily.   production house in italy we are very experienced in studio photo and video productions. we work indoor in a huge studios equipped with cutting-edge technologies, 6k cinematic cameras and every kind of rigs and grips,  LED lights, artistic backdrops of various sizes. with scenographic enhancement it is possible to produce fashion look books and fashion campaigns like also tv commercial and music videos as well 
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Volcanic Minds

    Volcanic Mindsverified-flag

    (0 recensione)

    Smart. Fast. Efficient.

    Volcanic Minds is a digital experience company. We build amazing tailor-made IT products. Our mission is to support our partners in the development of a strong digital strategy and in the creation of innovative products. We stand by our clients to evolve the initial vision into a real strategy. Through passion and determination, our Digital Factory crafts, with precision and efficiency, the technological ecosystems that let the most ambitious ideas come true.
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 10000€ per App mobile
  • Creact


    (1 recensione)

    Ci occupiamo di promozione, design, sviluppo di app, e-commerce e siti web.

    Vincitore del premio
    Siamo nativi digitali che non si sono accontentati, hanno superato i limiti e fatto della loro passione un lavoro. Designer, comunicatori e sviluppatori che condividono idee ed expertise per affiancarti al meglio e tracciare insieme percorsi che anticipano l'innovazione. Creact è lo spazio che ci permette di esprimere al meglio il nostro talento. - Siamo ambiziosi: ci piacciono le sfide Crediamo fortemente che l’impegno faccia raggiungere obiettivi che sembrano impossibili. La sana ambizione è il nostro motore, la spinta a migliorarsi ogni giorno di più. - Affrontiamo ogni progetto con il coraggio e la dedizione di chi crede nei propri sogni. Il nostro lavoro ci rende felici Dedichiamo la massima attenzione e il massimo impegno ad ogni cosa che facciamo, ma sempre con il sorriso sulle labbra. Abbiamo forza e competenza per poter affrontare ogni sfida con allegria. Crediamo nel valore assoluto del sorriso, del buonumore, nella magia della battuta che stempera la tensione anche nelle situazioni più difficili. - Siamo precisi nei dettagli Curiamo ogni dettaglio di ogni singolo progetto: affrontiamo ogni sfida a testa alta, puntiamo all’eccellenza lavorando duro per ottenere i risultati migliori. Niente per noi deve essere lasciato al caso, tutto deve incastrarsi alla perfezione.
    6 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Web3king


    (0 recensione)
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • C24Web


    (0 recensione)
    C24Web è agenzia web a Milano, con ampio know how e specialisti in grado di fornire tutti i servizi di una web agency come sviluppo siti, e-commerce, app mobile, strategie SEO, social marketing e formazione
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Dfunnel


    (0 recensione)
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Syomatica


    (0 recensione)
    SYOMATICA è una startup innovativa italiana, un team affiatato di creativi, progettisti e sviluppatori che lavorano assieme per creare prodotti e soluzioni tecnologicamente avanzati.
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • IWIZ Srl

    IWIZ Srlcertified-flag

    (0 recensione)
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Network Italy

    Network Italycertified-flag

    (0 recensione)
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Studio Ubique

    Studio Ubiquecertified-flagverified-flag

    (15 recensioni)

    Crafting Digital Excellence, Beyond Aesthetics.

    Vincitore del premio
    Hey there, you savvy text reader, you! Look at you go, tackling this message like a champ. Well, guess what? You've stumbled upon Studio Ubique, a bunch of quirky talents packed into a bureau that's bursting with passion for design and development! At Studio Ubique, we blend design with technology for stellar digital experiences. Our team excels in UX/UI Design, ensuring your platform is both functional and visually striking. We develop responsive sites with seamless mobile functionality, offer comprehensive CMS and eCommerce solutions, and create Custom Software to address specific challenges. We operate on a simple philosophy: We go beyond the surface-level attractiveness of design. We are firm believers that true success is not solely determined by aesthetics, but by the concrete results it brings to our clients. We understand that your investment deserves more than just a visually striking final outcome; it warrants a solution that drives your business towards progress. So, what's in our bag of tricks? - Design: UX/UI Design, Mobile App Design. - Development: Websites, Mobile Apps, Front-end (HTML/CSS), Back-end (CMS), eCommerce, Custom Software Development, API Integrations, and more. - Growth: Digital Marketing, SEO, Website Maintenance, Web Hosting, Security & Speed Optimization, Migration. Partner with us to boost your online presence! Schedule a video call, and let's dive into your plans. See you soon :)
    3 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • WMD Projects

    WMD Projectsverified-flag

    (0 recensione)

    Siamo un’agenzia composta da freelance appassionati al mondo digital e con molta creatività

    Siamo un team di giovani che offrono servizi e progetti all’avanguardia per qualsiasi tipo di azienda
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • BBrothers Adv

    BBrothers Advverified-flag

    (0 recensione)

    Agenzia Pubblicitaria e Marketing specializzata in food marketing, social media, content strategy

    Siamo un' agenzia Pubblicitaria e Marketing specializzata in food marketing, social media, produzione video e digital marketing. Siamo Coraggiosi Lavoriamo da Palermo, lontani dalle città ritenute culla naturale del marketing e della pubblicità. Questo ci spinge a osare di più, a osservare di più, a viaggiare, a prepararci al meglio.  Coltiviamo l’attitudine a dar valore alle idee e a prendere decisioni chiare, per sperimentare linguaggi sempre comprensibili anche quando non convenzionali. Il fallimento è un semplice passaggio, che non preclude la riuscita di un progetto. Per questo non ci spaventa.  Siamo Eclettici Nello stesso ambiente di lavoro convivono programmatori, graphic designers, videomakers e fotografi, coordinati da account e project manager. È un melting pot di competenze, una squadra di talenti plug-in che si configura come partner strategico per il cliente. Amiamo raccontarci ogni giorno in modo genuino e ironico perchè è ciò che oggi più che mai, il consumatore si aspetta dai brand a cui accorda la sua preferenza. Siamo Giovani Siamo nativi digitali e non abbiamo bisogno di capire come il mondo stia cambiando. Lo cambiamo ogni giorno con le nostre scelte e abitudini. Lo viviamo come punto di forza, determinante per assorbire velocemente i nuovi trend. Ci permette di osservare senza pregiudizi, poi di rielaborare in modo creativo. Così produciamo contenuti che parlino direttamente alle generazioni più giovani nei luoghi più opportuni. Produciamo Contenuti È solo questo che facciamo ed è abbastanza semplice. La parte complessa è comprendere come renderli calzanti per il brand e per il luogo digitale identificato. Lavoriamo per offrire scenari dove narrazione e informazioni convivano, in un contenuto che abbia la capacità di essere fresco e divertente nel momento in cui viene distribuito e per le persone a cui è destinato. Disegniamo Strategie Un contenuto creativo è solo un tassello di un grande puzzle. Indispensabile per completare il quadro, del tutto inutile se separato dagli altri. Per questo ogni produzione deve essere concepita in un più vasto ecosistema di contenuti, pianificati strategicamente. Per raggiungere un ottimo risultato serve un piano.
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile


    (8 recensioni)

    Creative Studio Shaping Tomorrow's Marketing Today with 3D, AR, VR & AI

    Vincitore del premio
    At 3DVerso we see the future of sci-fi movies coming true: a three-dimensional internet blurring the lines between physical and digital realms. From developing apps and games to pioneering immersive marketing campaigns and new ways of storytelling, we're dedicated to serve as a bridge between the flat internet of today and the fully immersive three-dimensional internet of tomorrow. As a multidisciplinary team with 15+ years of experience, our mission is to help brands stand out Today.We achieve this by leveraging cutting edge technologies such as AR, VR, 3D & AI in unprecedented ways, tailored to our customers' needs that can break through the noise, increase engagement, boost marketing and sales.
    4 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Spinlever - Your App Agency

    Spinlever - Your App Agencyverified-flag

    (2 recensioni)

    Azienda di Sviluppo App iOS e Android 📲 100% Certificati da Google e Apple 🍎🤖

    Vincitore del premio
    📲 Siamo un team di professionisti, composto da manager, ingegneri, designer e comunicatori digitali, uniti dalla nostra passione e competenza nello sviluppo di app . I nostri servizi coprono l'intero ciclo di vita delle app: dallo sviluppo iniziale alla costante manutenzione , inclusi strategie di marketing su mobile store e consulenza specialistica . 🤝 I nostri interlocutori sono principalmente PMI europee, che giornalmente supportiamo nel processo di trasformazione digitale . Favoriamo il contatto diretto con i clienti e incrementiamo l’efficienza aziendale tramite app per smartphone e tablet. Le nostre collaborazioni includono aziende di varie dimensioni, appartenenti a diversi settori come retail, automotive, turismo, finanza, trasporto, sanità, blockchain e altri. 🚀 Con una solida esperienza decennale nello sviluppo di app, abbiamo sviluppato il Metodo Spinlever® , un framework unico che ci consente di creare app perfettamente integrate all'infrastruttura già presente nelle PMI. Ciò riduce i costi legati a soluzioni intermedie e garantisce l' accesso in tempo reale ai dati per gli utenti. 🎯 Scegli la nostra esperienza per far crescere la tua PMI!
    4 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • TOAST - Branding Agency

    TOAST - Branding Agencyverified-flag

    (2 recensioni)

    "We make the brands that make the future"

    Vincitore del premio
    TOAST is a strategic branding and design agency in Sydney, Australia. Delving into the business truth of our clients, we create and elevate brands which become assets for companies for years to come. We achieve successful outcomes by aligning key stakeholders around one single vision and empowering the Unique Value Proposition to ensure we increase quality leads and sales. View the successful brands we’ve designed and let’s get in touch. _____ We are Brand Makers Makers of engaging brand footprints, of languages, of impactful brand narratives and strong visual identities, of unique design solutions making sure we increase quality leads and sales. Each day, we challenge ourselves by delving into new categories, industries, businesses; engaging with new key stakeholders and understanding their challenges, their expectations, their fears. Irrespective of its specificity, we thrive on learning and exploring new trends, tastes, markets; anticipating what our culture will demand next… _____ We are Change Makers Helping your team evolve its way of thinking, pointing in new directions through unique business solutions to navigate increasingly competitive marketplaces. Big or small, global or local, industry-specific or broad, political or impartial… we delve into the core, attacking brand challenges with passion and dedication. _____ We are Place Makers Designing places to work, to live, to come and to come back… compelling stories built on human experiences, culture, activation, landscape, public art and way-finding… our passion is creating brands for properties and developments which become destinations for years to come. _____ We are Future Makers We transform your brand to stand out and have an impact today, and long into the future. Each day we raise the bar, always fighting for a better world. We embrace changing the status quo across the political and commercial landscape, to champion sustainability and best-practice for a reduced carbon impact, contributing to a better Australia and… a healthier planet. _______________ Our core areas include: Strategy - Branding - Property Branding - Property Marketing - Design - Website Design - Marketing - Digital Marketing - Display Suite Design - Environment & Retail Experience Design - Logotypes - Brand Identity - Brand Guidelines - IM & Tendering Documentation - (UI) User Interface Design - (UX) User Experience Design - (CX) Customer Experience Design - App Design - Mobile Design
    1 progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Starbase


    (0 recensione)

    Starbase Agency: Launching your brand into the stratosphere

    Vincitore del premio
    Starbase is a full-cycle design and development team. We are outside the box thinkers with extensive experience in all aspects of design and development. Our approach will be based on trusting relationships, experience in the client's field and business-oriented thinking.
    3 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Gotoclient


    (25 recensioni)

    B2B demand generation expert team

    Vincitore del premio
    English version: Gotoclient is a world-class B2B online marketing agency on B2B lead generation strategies for B2B & B2B2C businesses.  All our services are sales-oriented, focused on helping our clients’ needs with the only goal of contributing to our customer success. Hire Gotoclient as a LinkedIn Ads, a B2B lead generation, an Inbound Marketing for B2B, a channel loyalty, or a B2B and B2C promotions agency. Or hire us as consultants. Versión en castellano: Gotoclient es una agencia internacional de marketing online B2B, especializada en estrategias de generación de leads para empresas B2B y B2B2C. Todos nuestros servicios están orientados a las ventas y se centran en ayudar a nuestros clientes, con el único objetivo de contribuir a su éxito. Contrata a Gotoclient para servicios de LinkedIn Ads, generación de leads B2B, Inbound Marketing para B2B, fidelización de canales o promociones B2B y B2C. También puedes contratarnos como consultores. Versione italiana : Gotoclient è un'agenzia di marketing online B2B, specializzata in strategie di generazione di lead B2B per aziende B2B e B2B2C. Tutti i nostri servizi sono orientati alle vendite e mirano ad aiutare le esigenze dei nostri clienti con l'obiettivo unico di contribuire al successo dei nostri clienti. Assumi Gotoclient come agenzia per LinkedIn Ads, generazione di lead B2B, Inbound Marketing per B2B, fidelizzazione dei canali o promozioni B2B e B2C. Oppure come consulenti. Version française: Gotoclient est une agence de marketing en ligne B2B spécialisée dans les stratégies de génération de leads B2B pour les entreprises B2B et B2B2C. Tous nos services sont axés sur les ventes et visent à répondre aux besoins de nos clients avec le seul but de contribuer à leur réussite. Engagez Gotoclient en tant qu'agence LinkedIn Ads, génération de leads B2B, marketing entrant pour les entreprises B2B, fidélité des canaux ou agence de promotions B2B et B2C. Ou engagez-nous en tant que consultants. Versió en català: Gotoclient és una agència internacional de màrqueting online B2B, especialitzada en estratègies de generació de leads per a empreses B2B i B2B2C. Tots els nostres serveis estan orientats a les vendes i es centren en ajudar als nostres clients, amb l'únic objectiu de contribuir al seu èxit. Pots contractar Gotoclient per a serveis de LinkedIn Ads, generació de leads B2B, Inbound Marketing per a B2B, fidelització de canals o promocions B2B i B2C. També pots contractar-nos com a consultors.
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Tualba S.r.l.

    Tualba S.r.l.certified-flag

    (0 recensione)
    Nessun progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Bagstudios Business Design

    Bagstudios Business Designverified-flag

    (3 recensioni)

    We build brands and visual experiences that captivate audiences, inspire culture, and buzz media

    Vincitore del premio
    Bagstudios is a company that uses design and knowledge to create new and exciting things for businesses. We focus on helping corporate clients in areas like biotech, pharmaceuticals, IT innovation, science, technology, fashion luxury, and business design. DESIGN We believe that design just like the law of attraction works only when it comes to good intentions, nuanced thinking, and positive human experience. With 10+ years of experience in branding, advertising, and visual communications for a wide variety of international brands. Our work succeeds in the achievement of award-winning products. BUSINESS In the rise of the digital era, communication design can be improved through deep experience in arts and science to be a razor-sharp, whole-brain approach to a new era of human factor design.
    2 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • VisionSeed


    (2 recensioni)

    Helping brands to define and build business valued products

    Vincitore del premio
    We are the partner to businesses big and small, providing the unmatched professional knowledge and know-how your business needs to be successful. We take your idea and make it great by designing it around our main pillars of focus: quality of product design and delivery along with feedback adoption and implementation. Our main focus is addressing your key business needs and optimizing your business processes so that in the end, your business is transformed on a global scale.  We have a well-defined vision: to offer you the best options on the market, with knowledgeable advisors and flexible, tailored approaches — all centered on the right outcomes for your business. We want to unlock your business’s potential and make change happen by delivering integrated solutions through leading-edge management, technology, and design.
    4 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 500€ per App mobile


    (4 recensioni)
    Vincitore del premio
    [FR] USERFARM  est une plateforme de création collaborative forte d'une communauté de 120 000 réalisateurs répartis dans 140 pays . Grâce à l'intelligence collective, un brief se transforme en dizaines voire centaines de vidéos , prêtes à diffusion . Vous n'avez plus qu'à choisir  !  Le  video crowdsourcing  est un outil innovant car c'est une source de créativité et d' insights  intarissable . Il représente une réelle valeur ajoutée dans vos stratégies de communication et marketing. Alors... laissez-vous surprendre par la qualité, la quantité et le prix de nos vidéos ! Nous créons du contenu vidéo qui répond à vos besoins de :  - Lancement de produit  - Soutien de positionnement  - Alimentation de plan éditorial sur les réseaux sociaux  - Mobile marketing  - Social marketing  - Calendrier (Rentrée, Noël, St Valentin, ...) Les avantages du video crowdsourcing :  - Notre communauté offre un très grand potentiel créatif. Les nombreux  insights  reçus pourront vous guider dans vos stratégies à venir ; - Chaque problématique est abordée sous des prismes culturels différents, ce qui constitue une réelle valeur ajoutée dans votre stratégie de communication en ayant une vision et une approche différente selon les pays ; - Les appels à la création peuvent générer facilement plus de 50 films parmi lesquels choisir, prêts à être diffusés sur tous les canaux digitaux (web, mobile, application) - Il est un excellent moyen de soutenir vos campagnes sur vos réseaux sociaux dans la durée ; - Il vous permet d'engager une conversation avec votre  fanbase et d'impliquer vos consommateurs/fans/followers dans la création de vos contenus; - Les activités en crowdsourcing sont très souvent suivies de plan d’activation RP [ENG]  USERFARM is a collaborative creation platform based on a  community of 120,000 filmmakers in 140 countries . Thanks to the collective intelligence, a brief turns into dozens or even hundreds of videos, ready to broadcast . All you have to do is choose ! Video  crowdsourcing is an innovative tool because it is an endless source of creativity and insights . It represents a real added value in your communication and marketing strategies. So ... let yourself be surprised by the quality, quantity and low-costs of our videos! We create video content that meets your needs to: - Product launch - Positioning support - Editorial plan feed on social networks - Mobile marketing - Social marketing - Occasions (X-mas, Valentine, Easter, ...) The advantages of video crowdsourcing : - It is a great way to support your campaigns on your social media over time; - Your consumers become your ambassadors; - It highlights your consumers and their loyalty. The videos can be easily shared and generate tens of thousands of views stimulating traffic to your website; - Our community offers a great creative potential. The many insights received will guide you in your next strategies; - Each issue is tackled under different cultural points of view, which adds a real added value to your communication strategy by having a different vision and approach depending on the country; - Creative calls can easily generate more than 50 movies ready to be broadcast on all digital channels (web, mobile, application); - It makes you start a conversation with your fanbase and involve your consumers / fans / followers in the selection process by inviting them to vote for their favorite video; - Crowdsourcing initiatived are often followed by a PR activation plan. [DE] USERFARM ist eine kreative und kollaborative Plattform basiert auf einer Gemeinschaft von 120,000 Filmemacher aus 140 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt . Dank einer kollektiven Intelligenz, verwandelt sich ein kurzes Briefing in dutzenden, wenn nicht hunderten Videos . Alles was Sie danach tun müssen, ist zu wählen !   Video Crowdsourcing ist ein innovatives Werkzeug, welches eine endlose Quelle der Kreativität ist. Er repräsentiert ein echter Mehrwert in Ihren Kommunikations- und Marketing Strategien. Lassen Sie sich von der Qualität, Quantität und der niedrigen Kosten von unseren Videos überraschen! Wir erstellen Video-Inhalte , die Ihren Bedürfnissen entsprächen, wie:  -  Produkteinführung  -  Unterstützung bei Marken-Positionierung  -  Redaktion eines Plan passend für sozial Medien  -  Mobiles Marketing  -  Sozial Marketing  -  Besondere Anlässe wie Weihnachten, Ostern, Valentinstag... Die Vorteile eines Video Crowdsourcing sind:  -  Ein fabelhafter Weg ihre Media Kampagnen im Laufe der Zeit zu unterstützen  - Ihre Kunden werden Ihre Markt Botschafter werden. - Es vermehrt ihre Verbraucher und ihre Loyalität. Die Videos können leicht geteilt werden und erzeugen Tausende von Ansichten so das Ihre Website sehr interessant wird.  - Unser Team und Community haben ein großes kreatives Potenzial; und durch die viele Einblicke die Sie erhalten, werden Sie in Ihren zukünftigen Strategien unterstützt. - Jeder Kreative “Open Call” ist in der Lage Dutzende Videos zu erzeugen die sofort auf allen digitalen Kanälen ausgestrahlt werden können (Web, Mobilgeräte, Apps). - Mit den "Open Call" starten Sie in Gespräch mit ihren Kunden, Fans, Anhängern in einem Auswahlverfahren indem Sie sie zur Abstimmung ihres Lieblings Video einladen.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • L+R


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    Vincitore del premio
    L+R is a strategic consultancy and design and technology studio with offices in Brooklyn, Barcelona, Los Angeles and Milan. Founded in 2012, we work with clients to create real value and impact with the balance of strategy and aesthetics. Our multidisciplinary design and technology team works with individuals, organizations, and businesses on seamless digital experience projects within technology strategy, next generation mobile applications, management consulting, design, and brand systems. – Manifesto We are motivated by our desire to build products with economic, social, environmental, emotional or physical benefits. Technology has a critical role in shaping society and we are guided by a commitment to responsible innovation. – Our Pillars Integrity Empowerment Harmony – Our expertise at L+R are our specialized capabilities in: Strategic Consulting | Collaborating with business leaders to define, create, and launch inspiring initiatives. Branding | Building trust by communicating an authentic character to capture hearts and minds. Research & Usability Tests | Exploring the user journey, identifying usage issues, and creating the optimal user experience. Design | Visualizing the most powerful representation of your brand through compelling creative. Mobile Development | Redefining modern mobile applications with industry-leading design and engineering. Innovation | Let’s push things forward! – Client highlights : Louis Vuitton, Esteé Lauder, Global Citizen Festival, Schumacher, GE, Amazon, Hilton, Bond (purchased by Newell Brands), Google, Footlocker, Newell Brands (First Alert, Yankee Candle, EXPO Markers, Contigo).
    3 progetti in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Creativeans Pte Ltd

    Creativeans Pte Ltdcertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 recensione)

    Build Brands That Matter

    Creativeans is an award-winning design management and branding company in Singapore, Milan, Jakarta and Vancouver. Business leaders trust us to solve their strategic and creative challenges: from corporate branding, product design, UI/UX design, packaging design to communication design, across industries and regions. Guided by our design and brand consultants’ systematic approach and methodologies such as BrandBuilder® and EDIT Design Thinking®, we help SMEs build brands that matter. As the first ISO 9001:2015 and management certified brand consultancy in Singapore, we are committed to continuously improving and excelling in our capabilities to make the world a more creative place.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Ebola Communications

    Ebola Communicationscertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 recensione)
    Founded in 2008, Ebola communications is a Kiev-based digital agency, part of AGAMA Digital Group, recognized as #1 by effectiveness among digital agencies in Ukraine (according to the results of Effie Awards -2015, 2016). It specializes in complex web- and mobile development, delivering innovative digital solutions to our clients all over the world. Our developers speak PHP programming language and fall in love with Laravel Framework.  Besides, we do really love phygital projects, that combine virtual and physical reality We make brands clickable, websites – effective, products – selling! Main technologies: Backend: PHP7, SQL (MySQL), Laravel Framework 5.x Frontend: HTML5, SASS/PostCSS, JavaScript (ES6, TypeScript), CSS3/Sprite animations, Bootstrap Framework. GameDev: Canvas/WebGL, TypeScript, Pixi.js and Box2d Engines. 600+ completed projects 9 years experience Digital partner for 40 creative agencies Our clients are large ukrainian and international companies: Bayer, Coca Cola, Borjomi, Unilever, Carlsberg Ukraine, Canon. Honda, L'oreal, Nestle, Philips, Microsoft and etc.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Vincitore del premio
    Mondriaan Digital Consulting is an award-winning European digital research and production company. The Nordic engine of digital change to many industries. - Representation in Amsterdam, Helsinki and Budapest - 360+ applications developed - 7.000.000+ users reached by our push notification system Mondriaan DC works toward connecting digital, creative and commerce to transform and grow business. Pioneering innovation for 12 years, advancing capabilities in auditing and optimizing digital solutions, creating mobile applications, integrating systems and developing software platforms. Technological hub of Sanoma Media Group for their earlier digital transformation. What does Mondriaan DC offer for its partners? Digital Strategy : consultation for understanding what needs to be done and which technology shall be used, resulting in an actionable roadmap. Prototype development : for quick concept validation and cutting time to market, hypothesis testing before investing significant resources into solutions. Complete technological solutions : developed and tested by experts. Maintenance services : analytics and app store management provided for product continuity. User engagement solutions : integrated for improved conversations and reduced churn. Which industries belong to the focus areas of Mondriaan DC? Media & Advertisement : the company was originally an internal unit of Sanoma Media Group, tackled digital transformational challenges of the industry and now offers services in other fields as well. Internet of Things : with special focus on smart buildings (lighting, sensoring, automation), construction activities, fleet management, industrial applications Fintech & Insurtech : from digital banking advisors until damage visual recognition research projects E-health : patient consulting app, medical interfaces, experience with various interfaces (mobile, tablet, voice) Should you have an already specified development project, or need help in creating the technical architecture solving the business need, please use the given contact details. Mondriaan is proud to provide ready solutions, including: - Push notification system : real-time engagement tool for app & web engagement. A plug-and-play system that offers push notifications, in-app messages for delivering highly personalized content with extreme speed, powered by actionable analytics. - Game Wall : gamified brand engagement platform for interactive display experience. Applicable especially to retail (smart shop), festivals (interactive brand awareness), airports (reduced perceived waiting time) or other outdoor advertisements. - Estate360° : immediate 360° content publishing from location for news publishers, real estate agencies, emergency services. Experimentation with new technologies is in the DNS of the team, current pilot projects are running using artificial intelligence, augmented & virtual reality, visual and speech recognition. Mondriaan DC is looking for partners to drive innovation and establish long-term partnerships throughout the European markets.
    1 progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile

    FARO DEVELOPMENTverified-flag

    (0 recensione)
    WEB DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Born in Cluj-Napoca in 2010, our goal is to be an outstanding web partner. The growing team includes a great mix of talent, ambition and lots of experience. Our focus today is providing a complete suite of Online marketing and Web development services to B2B and B2C organizations of all sizes. From design and development to digital marketing, we’re all about solutions that fits every need. Nine years have passed and we have grown together with the company, we have worked hard, but we've always done it with passion. We love what we do, every project completed is a new realization, each line of code we write is made with professionally, as confirmed by our satisfied customers. OUR SERVICES • WEB DEVELOPMENT • WEB DESIGN • WEB MARKETING • MOBILE APPS • BRANDING • IT CONSULTING • CUSTOM SOFTWARE • PHP • JSON • JQUERY • LARAVEL • ANGULARJS • NODE.JS • AJAX • ZEND FRAMEWORK  • JAVASCRIPT • ONLINE MARKETING • SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING • WORDPRESS • SEO        
    1 progetto in App mobile
    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Zooppa


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    Vincitore del premio
    Zooppa is a unique creative agency that utilizes technology to empower a network of creatives to provide brands with the curated creative content they're searching for. Since 2008 we have executed more than 800 projects across multiple industries. Our clients include Unilever, Nestle, Green Giant, Nickelodeon, Jeep, Match Group, NBPA and many more. We work on a project-by-project basis and our favorite metric is 85% ratio of repeat business . Depending on your creative brief, we will match you with the hand-selected top talent in film, photography and design to execute production within your budget and timeline. We manage and curate the entire process in order to support with any strategic choice as well as making sure that your KPIs are reached .  Our average deal size is $40k but we're happy to evaluate any budget if the project is in line with our capabilities (and on average we're 30% more cost-effective than traditional agencies). We believe in trust and transparency (or trustparency as we like to call it), we like to do great stuff while having fun in the process .
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Numberly (1000mercis group) is a marketing technologist. Our mission is to help advertisers build long-lasting relationships with their clients. From PII to non PII, our people-based approach allows our clients to better understand the needs of their targets and thus to interact with them more efficiently. Our marketing actions bring incremental results.  Our core expertise is three-fold and spans from acquisition to retention: omnichannel orchestration, programmatic trading and conversational platforms.  With offices in Paris, London, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Montreal, Brussels and New York, we operate in more than 50 countries, and we are pursuing our international expansion. More than 500 people contribute daily to the quality of our work and strive to keep our curious, agile and innovative mindset alive.  Turnover 2019 : 69,1M  €
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • 77Agency


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    Vincitore del premio
    77Agency is an award-winning independent full-service digital agency with offices in London, Milan, Riga, Rome and Los Angeles. 77 delivers its clients connected digital solutions; combining its services of Digital Strategy, Paid Media Acquisition, Digital PR and Social Media, SEO, Creative Production, Digital Consultancy, Website Design and Development, as well as its own proprietary Advertising Technologies. 77 works with prestigious international brands such as Armani, Lavazza, Silversea Cruises, Rocco Forte Hotels, Fineco, Huawei, Disney, Forte Village Resort, BNP Paribas, Davidoff, Diptyque and many others. 77 has been awarded multiple amount of times for its creative work internationally. It is also recognized as a Facebook Marketing Partner, Google Premier Partner and Bing Select Partner in terms of it is Paid Media activities, putting it into a unique position within the market. 
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Oltre.Digital


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    Vincitore del premio
    WE HELP YOU GROW YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE, BEYOND EXPECTATIONS.   BUILD YOUR PRESENCE We enrich your business with endless digital opportunities Plan a  digital marketing strategy Get a stunning  website Launch an  e-commerce Start an  online advertising  campaign Be noticed on  social networks Let  influencers  talk about your brand Determine and measure your digital  KPI     GET BETTER RESULTS If you have already a website, we can help you obtain more from it Improve your website  ranking  on Google and other search engines Measure and increase your campaign  ROI Reach a better  conversion rate Engage with more users via  social media Run a  remarketing  campaign to remind/persuade visitors Increase your  brand awareness  and reach new prospects Analyse your  competitors  and react accordingly   We have more than 15 years of international experience. Yes, when we started Altavista was still a thing. Get in touch for a free consultation, let's discuss your needs and find an optimal solution.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Rubik Technologies

    Rubik Technologiesverified-flag

    (0 recensione)
    Rubik Technologies is the first Network of Digital Services, based in Tirana, Albania. We mainly focus on providing support for outsourcing Web services such as: Graphic Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing,  E- Commerce Solutions, Mobile Applications and Copywriting.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Swype Lab

    Swype Labcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 recensione)

    Boost your performance

    Swype Lab è un'agenzia di informatica milanese, giovane e dinamica che si occupa di effettuare consulenza e assistenza alle aziende e ai privati, realizzazione siti web e portali ecommerce, sviluppo applicazioni per iOS e Android, sviluppo di banner pubblicitari e realizzazione grafica.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Sutter Mills

    Sutter Millscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 recensione)
    Vincitore del premio
    Sutter Mills is an independent Data Consulting Platform created in 2016. Our 90 consultants and experts enable global organisations to think and implement the digital age, with a specific focus on unleashing the potential of technology to improve customer knowledge, user experience and marketing RoI. Our expertise: Data-driven Strategy Consulting Value chain & markets disruption analysis Integration of digital levers in strategy definition Business & operating model rethinking Marketing & media (off/online) strategy Adtech / Martech Selection, Implementation & Operations RfP management & techno selection Implementation of AdTech / MarTech technologies: DMP / CRM / WebAnalytics / CRO / AdServing / Programmatic Use cases & activation strategy Change management & training Performance / KPIs definition & monitoring Consumer Insights Insight detection, emotional triggers, pre / post tests Qualitative & quantitative methodologies Focus groups / social listening /on line forum / survey & research Big data & Analytics Business intelligence and advanced analytics at scale Strategies for private clouds architecture and migrations Building data lakes and data warehouses Algorithms and machine learning Predictive & prescriptive analysis Data visualization & reporting Data Engineering services Software Development & Marketing Automation High-load web systems development Progressive and mobile apps development eCommerce integrations and solutions development Marketing and business process automation software development CRM and Web Analytics tools integration Data Risk Management Compliance audits, fraud detection, maturity assessment, training Digital fraud, risk analysis, fraud management, predictive fraud analysis  
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • We Are Marketing is a Global Digital Marketing Agency. We help your business grow by tracking the latest digital trends to craft marketing strategies. We Are Marketing es la agencia global de marketing digital. Te ayudamos a hacer crecer tu negocio a través de estrategias de marketing innovadoras y siguiendo las últimas tendencias. We Are Marketing è un'agenzia globale di Marketing Digitale. Aiutiamo le imprese a far crescere il proprio business attraverso strategie di marketing innovative e misurabili.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Artecha


    (0 recensione)
    Finding the right qualified Python or React developers can be a barrier difficult to overcome. That's is why we did it for you. At Artecha we have established a network of top-level talent in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, that we can access and recommend for any of your projects. We learned your language and theirs so that we could connect. And have talent meet talent with no barriers. We work on creating the best information flow you have ever seen, with transparent comms, reporting, and top-level English you will never leave a meeting with unaddressed questions. We will help you navigate the landscape of talent with our own knowledge of the local languages and practices, to get you the best team you deserve. What do we provide: SaaS Solutions Web and Mobile Apps, Machine Learning Tools, Custom Software Projects, AR/VR, Automation Solutions, Our technology stack: Python/Django/Flask React.js/Angular/Node.js JavaScript HTML/CSS/JQuery/Bootstrap AWS/Docker MySQL/MongoDB/SQLite/MongoDB PHP/WordPress/OpenCart Working with Artecha: Step 1: Introduction Who are you, what are your ideas and dreams, and how can we make them a reality. Step 2: Proposal Now that we know who you are, we find the appropriate balance and give you our proposal. Step 3: Building the team We select the appropriate developers, establish a straight flow of information, and keep you apprised of the development. Step 4: Execution We deliver the first foundations of our work, you provide us with your feedback. We take your feedback, expand on it, and continue growing your project. Step 5: Delivery When your end-goal has been reached we finalize our work, together. We evaluate the product, the process, and ensure we are all satisfied. Step 6: Return You have returned, for we have delivered and you need us again.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • WIIT


    (0 recensione)
    Crediamo fortemente nella tecnologia come strumento indispensabile per la crescita rapida e sostenibile dell’economia globale e della società. Siamo specializzati nell’erogazione di servizi cloud e di cyber security per la gestione di ambienti complessi e critici e ci posizioniamo tra i primi player in Europa nell’erogazione di soluzioni tecnologiche innovative multicloud.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Primeweb


    (0 recensione)
    PrimeWeb è la web agency di Milano che si occupa dello sviluppo e della realizzazione di siti internet istituzionali, di prodotto, e-commerce e web app.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Studio Ideazione

    Studio Ideazione

    (0 recensione)

    La qualità è da sempre l'ingrediente principale dei nostri progetti!

    IDEAZIONE Con Grafica, Multimedia, Eventi centriamo il tuo obiettivo. Creiamo una comunicazione strategica di successo, che utilizza gli strumenti giusti, completi e personalizzati. Da oltre 30 anni il nostro staff di professionisti affianca i clienti, controllando e verificando tutte le fasi del progetto per un risultato perfettamente coordinato che rispecchi e valorizzi le peculiarità e le identità istituzionali e aziendali. Grafica TUTTA LA FORZA DI UNA STRATEGIA MIRATA Noi ti creiamo arco e frecce per centrare qualsiasi bersaglio Corporate identity, naming, marchi e loghi Consulenza strategica di marketing Editoria, cataloghi e brochure Packaging Advertising Allestimenti fieristici Web LO SPAZIO INTERATTIVO IN CUI VIVE IL PRODOTTO Quando fantasia e creatività incontrano le più moderne risorse tecnologiche Layout grafici accurate e coordinati Creazione e gestione di siti web ed ecommerce professionali Campagne di web marketing e social media marketing Web e mobile, Responsive web design Web copywriting Realizzazione video e spot Eventi TROVIAMO SEMPRE LA CORNICE ADATTA Inquadriamo i tuoi progetti nella giusta prospettiva con progetti su misura Creazione di eventi aziendali e istituzionali Ideazione format e eventi creativi personalizzati Organizzazione e coordinamento eventi Guerrilla marketing Allestimento su misura Proposte artistiche e musicali Logistica e ricerca sponsor Hostess Altri servizi COMUNICARE È IMPORTANTE, farlo in modo giusto è fondamentale Ufficio stampa Campagne radio e TV Distribuzione Postalizzazione Affissione Pubblicità dinamica su automezzi
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • Raw Fish

    Raw Fish

    (0 recensione)


    RAWFISH is a mobile agency. We craft exclusive, engaging apps / web apps and supporting platforms for our customers. With a strong heritage in enterprise level development, we’re not a media agency or group of app developers and designers. By bringing enterprise level quality and process to the mobile sector, our products not only look exquisite, but they stand up to the scrutiny of your customers and ours. As a small team of highly talented designers, user experience professionals and developers, we know the mobile sector better than most; that’s why we’re rated so highly. The brands we work with demand the the most progressive and high quality products and quite simply, that’s what we create. If you’ve worked hard to build your brand, you want to work with a company who values that identity as much as you do. It’s our founding principle. This is what we do: UI/UX design iOS/Android native development Backend services Web Applications IoT Chatbots Smart Sensors integration Industry 4.0 projects R&D projects - POC/MVP Q&A Native mobile development is more like desktop than web programming, requiring knowledge of operating system-specific features, memory management, and hardware capabilities. Additionally, it requires extensive on-device testing and more rapid release cycles to account for the various device and OS combinations. Once the technical architecture is completed and the development spikes have exposed the key challenges, all development tasks are mapped out for the entirety of the application. We then work off of weekly iterations to ensure progress is easily measured, as well as encourage accountability. Rinse and repeat until the app is ready for submission to the app stores.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile
  • PANATO | Dottori Commercialisti

    PANATO | Dottori Commercialisti

    (0 recensione)

    We combine traditional tax and corporate consultancy with specific expertise in company valuation.

    BREADED| Chartered Accountants is a professional boutique that combines traditional tax and corporate consultancy with specific expertise in company valuation. Our clients are SMEs and dynamic business groups that know how to take up the challenge of change and contribute to the growth, including cultural, of the economic system. They operate mainly in the sectors of industry and innovative services with high added value. Founders and business angels rely on us to support the definition of their strategy, to structure M&A operations and for tax and corporate planning. We can also count on important synergies with the Boston Innovation Ecosystem of which we are recognized partners. To guarantee the high quality of our services, we combine our professional activity with editorial and academic activity.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
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  • Silicon Make App

    Silicon Make Appcertified-flag

    (0 recensione)
    Dallo Sviluppo App a Milano alla Consulenza Digitale, dai Servizi di Web Marketing al UX UI Design. Silicon Make App a Milano è un interlocutore a 360° per la tua azienda.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
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  • The Digital Project

    The Digital Project

    (0 recensione)

    The One-Stop Digital Agency

    We are the one stop boutique agency you need for your digital experiences. We think & execute the right solution to make digital native ideas come true. We provide our clients with ad hoc omnichannel solutions: from code development to fully integrated projects to innovative marketing campaigns and ahead-of-the-pack SEO. We take care of business from start to finish so that our clients or partners only need to sit back and focus on their part of the job - whatever that is. We are proudly small-sized and based in the vibrant Milan. Our main pros are the ability to deliver out-of-the-box solutions that best fit our clients’ priorities, combining creativity, in-depth technical knowledge and strategy. We build real digital experiences that revolve around the most suitable assets ranging from sites/branded content sites to e.commerce, from social media to apps, and to digital engagement programs or idea projects. If you have an Idea or opportunity to share and brain out, we are right there the perfect match in your heaven!
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
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  • Assintel srl

    Assintel srl

    (0 recensione)

    Assintel è l'associazione delle imprese ICT e Digitali di Confcommercio

    Assintel è l’associazione nazionale di riferimento delle imprese ICT e aderisce a Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia. Rappresenta le imprese associate presso autorità, enti ed istituzioni, ne tutela gli interessi e progetta iniziative e servizi a loro concreto supporto. Assintel interpreta le esigenze dell’ecosistema di partnership,composto da operatori globali e locali dei diversi segmenti del mercato ICT, è impegnata a mettere in contatto concretamente domanda e offerta ed è in prima linea per favorire lo sviluppo di una cultura dell’Innovazione tecnologica nel Sistema-Paese.
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
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  • df Solution Srl

    df Solution Srl

    (0 recensione)

    Telecommunications Rome, Latium

    A point of connection between the world of telecommunications and the enduser. We help companies to deal with complexity of modern business. Join US!!
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    Attivo a Lombardia, Italia
    Da 1000€ per App mobile

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